Indigenous-led partnership
We are community members, Caribou Guardians, and local scientists who guide and oversee recovery actions
The Society focuses on recovering mountain caribou, healing the land, and rekindling cultural connections. We are guided by traditional and western knowledge and supported by many committed partners.
Our PartnersWest Moberly First Nation
a Dunne-Za nation whose deep cultural and historical ties to the land, as well as their dedicated stewardship efforts, position them as vital contributors to local conservation initiatives.
Visit westmo.orgSaulteau First Nation
a Dunne Za, Nehiyaw, and Anishabe community, recognized for their invaluable traditional ecological knowledge and active participation in environmental preservation and restoration projects.
Visit saulteau.comWildlife Infometrics
a Canadian environmental consulting firm that specializes in wildlife ecology, offering expertise in research, monitoring, and management strategies to preserve and enhance biodiversity.
Visit wildlifeinfometrics.comBiodiversity Pathways
a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity, operating through a combination of scientific research, braiding of knowledge systems, and community engagement to help safeguard ecosystems and their inhabitant species.
Visit biodiversitypathways.caRestoring relationships
There are fundamental links between food security & culture
The forced cessation of caribou hunting due to the declining populations posed a key challenge for First Nations and Canada. Treaty 8 assured First Nations that “they would be as free to hunt and fish after the treaty as they would be if they never entered into it” — a promise not kept. With an infringed treaty and an endangered species on the brink, time and patience were running out. Climate change and resource extraction have contributed to the rapid decline of caribou.
Our collective goals
Population recovery
To one day have a “sea of caribou” on the landscape. Just as West Moberly Elders described.
A sustainable future
A landscape that works for caribou and people.
Restored relationships
Rekindling time-honoured relationships between people, land, and caribou.
On-going collaboration
It takes a village to recover caribou and heal landscapes.
restoring traditions
Rekindling caribou abundance & traditions
The goal was to one day rekindle a culturally meaningful caribou hunt, which would be attained by increasing caribou abundance. The effort was collaborative from the outset, with the two First Nations working together with independent scientists, government and industry partners and conservation organizations to identify opportunities and initiate efforts.
“Hopefully, one day my son can harvest caribou.”
– Naomi Owens-Beek (Saulteau First Nations)